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Mercyhurst University Public Safety Institute 

Citizen Safety Academy


In response to requests from the public, and in keeping with PSI’s pledge to provide “services for a safer tomorrow,” we are offering three unique but interwoven training programs designed specifically for citizens.  These programs are fairly short in nature to acknowledge that our students are busy adults, yet inexpensive in order to provide this training to as many people as possible.  Additionally, all instructors are employees of the Mercyhurst University Municipal Police Training Academy especially suited for working with adult students concerning public and personal safety issues. Program prices are reasonable, more information can be obtained on this by contacting the Public Safety Institute at: 814-725-6121.


The programs are:


  • Situational Awareness: In response to the dangers inherent in a free society, public safety experts at the Mercyhurst University Public Safety Institute developed a concise but intensive training program titled “Situational Awareness.” This is NOT a “fighting” curriculum, but rather one focused on developing the mental and emotional skills needed to survive high risk events, either personally or in the work place.  This program runs from four to seven hours depending on the material requested by our students. Download Flyer


  • Citizen Handgun Familiarization:   Each month in our region hundreds of people obtain a license to carry firearms.  Some states require training for individuals obtaining licenses but Pennsylvania is not one of them. Regional law enforcement and legal authorities underscore the importance of training for the license carrying public but none are offered by higher education.  This eight hour course features classroom instruction including material on the “Castle Doctrine” and four hours of range time. Download Flyer


  • Active Countermeasures:  Active Countermeasures is a five hour, one time, hands-on course that follows Situational Awareness and/or Handgun Familiarization. It can also be a stand-alone training event. The class size is small (usually 10 to a session) and combines some classroom instruction plus physical interaction with other students and the instructor(s).  The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with self-defense options that may enhance their survival chances during a violent assault.  Consideration is given to using everyday objects such as sticks, hornet spray or umbrellas as self-defense tools.  Students do not have to be in tip-top shape to benefit from this training. Download Flyer

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